Lesson Rates

Piano Lessons:
At the Studio:
Wednesdays & Thursdays

$25 / 30 min lesson

At your Home: Tuesdays

$26 / 30 min lesson

Vocal Lessons:

$26 / 30 min lesson

Travel Lessons cost slightly more due to the cost of gas and the 15 min travel time in between which causes me to have less business.

Registration Fee:
$35 per spot, $40 if you have 2 or more children registered. This Non-refundable registration fee will be required to hold your spot.  This fee is to cover the cost of supplementary materials like performance and contemporary songs, prizes, supplies and Christmas & Summer recital rentals and equipment.
This fee will be due upon registration.

*Automatic e-transfer for the 1st of each month is the preferred method of payment. Cash and cheque is also acceptable.
Lessons run from the first week of September to the last week in June. (Dates vary year to year)
A monthly rate is calculated based on the number of lessons during those 10 months minus holidays.